About 20 Suitcases

All growing up I vividly remember my father telling people that once you have kids, you are nailed to the floor where you stand.  You are done with any sort of travel.  The odd thing was, that was not the case with our family.  In fact, before I ended high school, I had visited almost every state in the continental United States, most national/state parks and monuments, most natural wonders that the United States had to offer and more.  The same holds true for my family today.  I believe it is not children that nail you down, but you nail yourself down.  My husband and I had a motto when we first started having kids.  Our kids are joining our family.  This is what we do and what we will continue to do.  Granted, it is not without it’s trials and frustrations, but then life is like that either way.  We might as well continue to do what we love to do than sacrifice it to something else that will cause you a whole different set of trials and frustrations.  Do what you love!  Love what you do!  Right?

Here is my guide to you from a mom’s personal experience on traveling with children!  May it be a true help to you on your family’s journey of life.

Family sitting on airplane

My name is Candice.  I’m a mother of five, Elleana (Elle), Jack (7/3/2006-8/25/2006), Opal, Yasmin and Elias (Eli).

The majority of my married life has been spent living overseas in the Middle East, what some consider the center of the world… Jerusalem and Bethlehem.  Three of my five children were born in Bethlehem.  One was born in Madison, Wisconsin and my last was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Since I’ve been married I have moved ten times, lived in three countries and three States.  In essence, I have become an experienced traveler, have developed a passion for gourmet cooking and I also happen to love God.

With this blog I hope to share some of my experiences and knowledge about traveling with children and give you practical tips on making your experience as memorable and enjoyable as possible.  Along my journey(s) I have also discovered a love for cooking… gourmet.  I will share with you my love for food, local cuisine, and some very easy but absolutely necessary recipes to add to your repertoire.  I also love God.  So you’ll get a bit of this and that I’ve  learned, experienced and gleaned from living in the Holy Land.  And of course… I’ve left a bit of room to spout on random stuff, because along life’s journey you never know what you are going to come across.

Life has led me on an amazing journey, some of it good and some of it bad, but we live and learn and grow and change.  We are born and we die.  But there IS a journey we take.  Enjoy the journey… it is life.



2 Responses

  1. Andrea Miles
    Andrea Miles at · Reply

    Hi Candice,
    I don’t know where to start, but I can tell you that God definitley led me to your blog. I don’t know you and yet I feel a deep connection to you.
    I also live in the Middle East – Jordan. In fact I live at the town of Wadi Musa where Petra is. I am married to a Jordanian and we have a 10 month old daughter. I have been living here since March 2010.
    I have been struggling with my personal relationship with God of late and finding it hard to just surrender my life totally and utterly to him. I know that I’m meant to be where I am, but have been finding it hard with the daily if not hourly challenges of living in a foreign culture where I don’t speak the language and being a first time mum on top of that. Interestingly though I observe that I find these challenges harder to cope with the further I get away from my relationship with God. It has been the last couple of days that have thrown up some big challenges and me calling out to God for help. And when I stop and bother to listen to his answers and direction rather than try and go it on my own, I always find that he has provided the answers/guidence that I’m seeking and needing. Your blog tonight is one off those guidences.
    I just know that God has brought me to your blog to provide me with inspiration and comfort that I’m not alone in my experiences in living away from the comfort of what we know, but also that I’m not alone in having times of not giving my life completely over to God and findin some distance between me and him.
    Funnily enough I have also just started a blog (www.middleeastmoments.wordpress.com). It’s still in its infancy and I was wondering where I really wanted to take it. Reading your honest and personal entries has again given me some direction. I need to stay true to myself, be honest and not try to gloss over the emotions that I’m feeling whatever they are. I need to let them out and into my blog but that it’s possible to do it in a constructive and productive way.
    I find it hard to admit that I’m struggling or feeling alone here, especially to my family and friends back home in Australia as I worry that they will take those feelings as a sign that I’ve made the wrong decision to marry a Jordian and live in the Middle East. So I try and stay strong and put on a brave face which takes it toll on me – it’s exhausting – especially when I’m not turning to God for help and trying to deal with all by myself.
    Your blog is a real answer to prayer.
    If you ever find yourself back in Jordan it would be lovely to met you and your family. There certainly are some great other sites to see asides from just Petra and Wadi Rum.
    Thank you and praise to God for you and your blog.
    Kind and warm regards

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